(405) 708-7080

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Larger companies are not always the best companies to deal with, but as the largest animal control company in the city, it gives us the advantage of being able to respond quickly when you have a pest animal problem. We have a team of agents that are able to take your calls 24/7 so that whenever you find out about a pest animal in your home or commercial premises, we can discuss your situation and arrange a quick callout. We will usually have one of our animal removal technicians on-site within 24 hours, and they will carry out a meticulous inspection of the premises so they can fully identify the extent of the problem. They can then provide an estimate for the work, and talk you through their proposed steps for dealing with the problem efficiently and effectively. As animal removal experts you can have the peace of mind that we won’t be leaving any dangerous poisons around your property – we will tailor the right solution for your situation and talk you through the advantages of the proposed option. We are also very aware of the risk of disease transmission, so we work hard to minimize this using the right protective equipment and disposing of any soiled material safely, as well as offering a full cleaning and sanitization service as well.